What is your performance at Terrace going to be like?
Who are your main musical influences?
Los Chicos Electricos, Eduardo Mateo, The Ramones, The Velvet Underground, The Beach Boys.
You’ve just been on tour. Where did you play?
We are on a Northeast tour with Christmas Island and Beach Fossils. So far we've done DC, Philadelphia, Dorcester MA, Bard College in NY, and we're heading out to Virginia, NJ for your show of course, and also Wilkes Barr, PA. The tour ends Saturday with a show at Music Hall of Williamsburg with Crystal Stilts, and the GERMAN MEASLES.
What are your favorite venues to play?
There is definitely a nice feel to house shows — I guess it feels more like a communal thing, where you are on par with the people watching you (like they're just as important as you are for the show to happen). I think some of that gets lost when you play bigger venues. In terms of specific venues, we really like Dead Herring, which is actually someone’s apartment. Death by Audio and Silent barn have always treated us great. They are run by really passionate people who are so easy to get along with.
What’s the rock scene like in New York?
New York is chock full of scenes and different bands, I wouldn't know where to begin. As for the scene we seem to be a part of, it is adored. It's great to be able to play shows with a community of people that you don't just respect musically but that you can get along with on a personal level. Some people hate it, some people love it and that's how it will always be. The important thing is that we adore doing what we're doing and glad we have found a venue to do it.
What artists do you listen to? Do you see any bands of merit on the scene today?
YOU need to check out GERMAN MEASLES, and THE BEACHNIKS — they’re some of the greatest things going on right now. We also really dig what Tough Knuckles is doing. There are also a couple of kids from Fort Worth TX called Fungi Girls that are great too.
Who are some of the greatest live performers you've ever seen?
Brendan Morris of the band Eleanor leaves his blood and sweat at every show he plays. The kid has so much energy and you can tell he adores what he does. Eleanor is definitely a band everyone should check out.
New bands are popping up every day, but which ones do you need to check out?
Really look forward to listen to more stuff from the Coconut Coolouts, and the German Measles are putting out a full length that should be good. I really like the new songs the Christmas Island has been playing on tour, so I can’t wait for that either.
What do you think rock / alt. rock will become in the future?
No idea I'm afraid. I guess there will always be a band making good songs. No idea where the monster will end, if it will end.
-Interview conducted, condensed and edited by Raleigh Allison '11
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